Welcome to RoadPeace, the National Charity for Road Crash Victims
We provide information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes, and engage in evidence-based policy and campaigning work to fight for justice for victims and reduce road danger.
Support our campaign to introduce a Graduated Driving Licensing system in the UK

Get Support
Access a range of support services to help you cope and recover after a road crash, whether you are bereaved or seriously injured.
Working for Change
We are working to improve the justice system’s post-crash response, so that crash victims receive justice, and road crime is treated as real crime.
Crashes are not inevitable. They result from law breaking driving, unfit vehicles and unsafe road environments.
Remembering lives lost
RoadPeace understands the importance of remembering family and friends who have died, and we encourage acts of remembrance in a number of different ways.
Take action
Add your voice to our campaigns to reform the justice system and for safer streets for all.
The RoadPeace Online Memorial
RoadPeace has created a memorial page to provide a permanent place of remembrance for bereaved families, friends and communities. The touching tributes and heart wrenching photos also highlight the devastating human cost of road crashes
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