
How to support the Andy Cox Challenge 2022 – Active Travel Groups, Clubs and Societies

Find further information to the points below here.

  1. Create a JustGiving Account linked to the Andy Cox Challenge 2022 page
  2. Announce your support for the challenge by issuing a news story and/or social media posts
  3. Join the RoadPeace Strava Club
  4. Order a challenge t-shirts/cycle jersey/running vest using the form below
  5. Get in touch with Simon at RoadPeace on faulkner@roadpeace.org to find out how RoadPeace can support your fundraising
  6. Spread the word among others in your cycling/running/sports club inviting them to form a fundraising team
  7. Record a ‘We’re getting involved because….’ video and promote it on your social media channels
  8. Follow the event social media accounts and share as many of our posts as possible
  9. Last, but by no means least, have fun while making an incredible contribution to road danger reduction