Our AGM is taking place as planned on Friday 19th June at 3pm, but online via Zoom.
We hope you will join us.
We are pleased that we will be joined by Detective Superintendent Andy Cox who is lead for the Metropolitan Police’s Vision Zero unit and fatal & serious road collision investigation. He will be sharing what he and his team have been doing in London to tackle road danger (especially speeding) during lockdown and how they are preparing to support social distancing and active travel as we ease out of lockdown.
We will also be updating you on our activities from the past year and looking ahead to the coming year with a focus on how we as a charity can support our community as we come out of lockdown. The AGM will also include:
– Approval of the minutes from last year’s AGM
– Adoption of our annual our accounts
– Election of Trustees & honorary officers
– Presentation of our annual award for outstanding contribution to RoadPeace, the Mansoor Chaudhry Award.
We hope you will join us.
To attend please email info@roadpeace.org and we will then send you the joining instructions.
Here are the meeting documents
– Agenda
– 2019-2020 Accounts – extract (2 pages) or 2019-2020 Accounts – full version (21 pages)
Updated on: 18 May 2020