MEDIA OPPORTUNITY: Wednesday 31st, August,
Ceremony at 2:00 pm, Dove release at 2.45pm
All road crash victims are to be remembered in a special ceremony in Liverpool. Located at the Lady Chapel, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, St James Mount, Liverpool L1 7A.
RoadPeace North West, the road crash victims charity, is inviting those who have been bereaved or injured through road crashes, together with those who support them, to the remembrance event in the Lady Chapel of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, St James’ Mount, L1 7AZ, on Wednesday, 31st August 2022, starting at 2pm.
During the service, flowers will be laid in remembrance of loved ones who have died and photographs of them will be shown. A minute’s silence will be held during the ceremony.
The service will be attended by Supt Clare Jenkins and Police Cadets, the Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurrel, dignitaries as well as families and friends of those killed and injured on our roads. Bootle MP Peter Dowd who lost his daughter in a road crash is due to speak.
After the service, five doves will be released in memory of loved ones, as each day five people die on the roads of this country. Following this there will be refreshments and the opportunity to talk to each other.
The remembrance takes place on the 25th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, who died a road crash.
Pauline Fielding, a trustee of RoadPeace and organiser of the event, believes remembrance plays a vital role in reminding society about the high number of victims and highlighting the long term psychological impact on those bereaved or injured.
She said: “My son Andrew was killed in 1994 in a crash caused by a driver who did not stay at the scene and who was never traced. Since then I have campaigned for justice for him and to help reduce dangers on the road where he died, to help prevent others experiencing the loss of a loved one.
“That day changed my life and that of so many others. I was helped practically and emotionally by RoadPeace. I urge all those bereaved or injured by road crashes, together with those who support them, to join us at the remembrance.”
RoadPeace has a special helpline number, 0845 450, 0355 and more information about the organisation can be found on the website
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Notes to Editors/Media
For more information please contact the RoadPeace office at 0207 733 1603 or Pauline Fielding at: 0151 342 6381, 07703 357 504,
Updated on: 17 August 2022