2022 Mansoor Chaudhry Award for Outstanding Contribution to RoadPeace: Awarded to Cynthia Barlow

RoadPeace was delighted to present its outgoing Chair of Trustees, Cynthia Barlow OBE, with the Mansoor Chaudhry Award for Outstanding Contribution to RoadPeace.

The award was in recognition of all that she has done for RoadPeace, and for her unwavering campaigning to reduce road danger.

Following the terrible, tragic and needless death of her beloved daughter Alex, Cynthia has dedicated her life to campaigning for change to prevent future suffering, and for justice.

Determined to see something good come out of something so terrible, she forced the company responsible for her daughter’s death to improve their road safety. And since then she has campaigned tirelessly for over 20 years, achieving transformative changes within the construction and freight industry in terms of recognising their duty to manage their road risk

As a result of her work, lives have been saved.

In addition, she has also supported so many families who have sadly found themselves in a similar situation offering support, empathy and experience at their time of crisis

She was awarded an OBE in 2014, and the Archangel Guardian Award by ROSPA to a standing ovation of over 1000 representatives of the Health and Safety Industry – and now it is our turn to recognise her incredible achievements.