Today marks the start of Volunteers’ Week 2023 – an annual celebration of the contribution many millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.
The RoadPeace staff and trustees recorded a message of thanks to let our volunteers know just how much we appreciate the compassion, hard work and dedication that they provide all year round.
Their kindness is a lifeline for the many crash victims and bereaved families that they support, and it means so much to us all.
Thank you from all of us at RoadPeace – this week and EVERY week.
Find out more about Volunteers’ Week here:

What some of our members said this week about our amazing volunteers
“My wife died as a result of a lady losing control of her car in a supermarket car park and hitting her.
The family liaison officer supported us throughout the early period and despite him retiring we are still in touch, as I appreciated his support so much. It was on his recommendation that I and my daughter contacted Roadpeace who were offering a Resilience Building Programme, which we attended together.
We met the Belina and others and I cannot speak highly enough of the support we received from everyone. Although this is something we can never forget, it is possible to develop coping strategies to make life a little better.
I feel that my experience of both a traumatic death, bereavement and police and legal process offers an insight into the feelings of others who are still processing their trauma.
I have been told I have a caring, patient nature and appreciate that sometimes there are no answers, or even that a response is needed, but being able to listen and helping a person feel they are not the only person in the world who is, or has, experienced this.
My wife was always very caring and would help others and in her name I want to continue that work.” Bereaved husband
“RoadPeace has been a vital part of my journey, after the death of my husband in a road traffic crash. The volunteers of RoadPeace have played an essential role in supporting me through my grief, the complicated legal processes and all the painful changes I’d had to face due to my husband’s death.
The work the volunteers do is crucial, often having experienced trauma themselves, they are advocates for us and are able to provide support which is tailored to our needs. I would like to take this opportunity to send a huge thank you to all the volunteers of RoadPeace.” Bereaved wife
“My befriender has been such a support to me over the last couple of years and never lets me down. She is always there to listen and understand the emotions I go through losing a child.
What a fantastic charity, one very close to my heart. I am hoping in the near future that I will be able to help and support such a worthwhile cause.” Bereaved mother
“As a bereaved mum, I was thrown into a world of trauma and unknowns. It was so comforting being able to talk to a RoadPeace befriender. My befriender was someone that understood what my world had become.
I then became a member of the West Midlands RoadPeace group. All the members of the group have been so supportive. However, I am especially grateful to both the facilitators and group coordinators who have given up so much of their time to help us all. They organise the meetings, the Remembrance Service and the anthology to name a few.
Thank you, without the time and drive you give, I wouldn’t be where I am on my grief journey.” Bereaved mother
Updated on: 1 June 2023