
Traffic Offences

Campaign update: The consultation on cycling offences closes on November 5th, but MPs have responded to calls by RoadPeace, Cycling UK and Brake for a more comprehensive review, and are debating it in parliament on November 20. Ask your MP to attend the debate. Scroll to the bottom of this page for links.

Our traffic laws need reform

Our traffic laws and their sentencing guidelines urgently need reform and have done for many of years. This is essential for our roads to be safer and feel safer.

Over four years ago, in May 2014, the Justice Minister did promise a comprehensive review.  In response, the Sentencing Council put on hold its scheduled review of sentencing guidelines for motoring offences.

Since then – and over 8,000 deaths later, there have been a series of piecemeal initiatives but no comprehensive review of either the law or guidelines for sentencing. Initiatives included:

  • MoJ consulted over a few changes
  • Maximum lifetime custodial sentences for Causing death by dangerous driving and Causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence
  • Mandatory minimum two year driving ban for all causing death by driving offences
  • New causing serious injury by careless driving
  • Home Office consulted over the need for exemptions for police drivers from careless and dangerous driving
  • DfT is now consulting over new causing death/serious injury by cycling.

What RoadPeace wants

We need a review of legal definitions, charging standards and recognition of road death and injury

  • Review of careless and dangerous driving legal definitions and charging standards to ensure these are fit for purpose and compliments the government’s commitment to promoting active travel
  • Recognition of road death and injury in road traffic offences, particularly with leaving the scene

These are all long-standing calls for RoadPeace.

We want reform for all—not just for the very worst offenders, police drivers or offenders on cycles. Further piecemeal reform, e.g. the review of cycling offences, will simply delay the comprehensive review that we need so badly.

Lend your voice

Help us to get the comprehensive review we need

  • Contribute: Send us your testimony if you feel you and your family were failed by the justice system. Click for the Writing a Testimony Guide.
  • Lobby: Ask your MP to support this campaign and attend the debate. You can send our MP-Letter or Cycling UK has an online email which will be sent directly to your MP.