RoadPeace is delighted to announce TCC Group as a Gold Sponsor of the upcoming high-profile national roads policing event The Andy Cox Challenge, demonstrating its commitment to the reduction of deaths and injuries on the UK’s roads.
TTC Group is the UK’s largest and most experienced road safety organisation, first founded in 1993. The TTC Group is the only organisation to be appointed and approved by the Secretary of State to deliver Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) courses to all UK court areas, with nearly 300 locations throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Alongside this, TTC Group has been appointed by 14 UK police forces to deliver the National Speed Awareness retraining. Since its foundation, TTC Group continues to grow their business across all of our core markets, helping to make the UK roads safer, “protecting people on the move”.
Sharon Haynes, TTC’s Director of Client Services commented:
“Road safety matters to TTC Group because our capabilities and services are driven by the needs of today’s road users and wider social aims to improve their well-being and safety.
With a track record built over 28 years and educating 500,000 road users every year we have the experience and expertise in delivering programs which really make a difference. Because we care about our communities, TTC supports the RoadPeace vision for a world where road danger is not tolerated and where road crash victims receive justice and compassion.
TTC Group is delighted to be a Gold Sponsor for the “The Andy Cox Challenge 2022”, helping to raise £500,000 for RoadPeace, in what is an unusual and challenging task that Andy has set himself to amplify victims voices and bring road danger reduction to the forefront of national conversation and prevent the needless deaths and injury on our roads.”
All those joining with us in supporting Andy’s challenge are helping RoadPeace continue their vital work with road crash victims and in campaigning for change.
More than half of UK police forces have already confirmed their involvement in the Andy Cox Challenge, which is taking place between May 16-22, 2022.
It will see police officers and staff join forces to run, cycle, walk or travel by any other means across their force area, in potentially the biggest event of its kind in UK policing history.
The forces will form local fundraising teams which will help to reach the overall event target of £500,000 for RoadPeace.
Crucially, the challenge will also aim to get the public talking about road deaths and the devastation they cause to families and communities every day.
Find out more about the challenge and how you can get involved
Updated on: 7 April 2022