Transport for London (TfL) has launched five new mobile safety cameras to catch more speeding motorists in the capital.
The laser cameras are being operated by a team of Police Community and Support Officers (PCSOs) in the MPS Roads and Transport Policing Command (RTPC).
They can be used to target non-compliance ‘hot-spots’ and in areas where local communities are concerned about speeding on residential roads.
Since the new cameras have been in operation the MPS have enforced 9,500 speeding offences with them, including one driver who was travelling at 90mph in a 30mph speed limit.
RoadPeace CEO Nick Simmons said: “RoadPeace strongly support this important initiative. Mobile speed enforcement cameras will be a key enforcement tool as well as, hopefully, a visible deterrent to those drivers who don’t follow the law. Our members know that speeding is a leading cause of road crashes and has a traumatic impact on many lives so we are pleased to see TfL and the MPS take another significant step towards Vision Zero.”
Read the full press release from TfL here.
Updated on: 18 May 2022