Back by popular demand are our Christmas Card designs for 2021.
They have all been painted by RoadPeace Chair Cynthia Barlow OBE, who has a particular interest in botanical painting.
We know Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many but perhaps now more than ever sending a card and connecting with loved ones this Christmas time is important.
Each pack includes ten cards of your selected design, pre-printed with the RoadPeace logo and greeting, and envelopes. The designs available are:
- Cards are now available to order online at
- Each pack of ten cards is £7 including postage & packing.
- Delivery will be 7–10 days from placing your order.
- Last order date: 16th December 2021.
- Or you can write to 4C For Charity, 114 High Street, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 3DW
- For more details or if you have any questions call 0800 999 3553
Thank you for supporting RoadPeace this Christmas.
Updated on: 9 November 2021