RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, are pleased to announce that we will be holding an online support session for bereaved parents of children of any age, including adult children.
The group will be facilitated by trained bereavement counsellors and will give victims the opportunity to meet others who have suffered a similar traumatic loss and provide one another with mutual support.
Nick Simmons, RoadPeace CEO says:
“We are determined to reach more victims and continue to develop much needed peer-to-peer support for crash victims throughout the country. We are therefore piloting this new support service, to give victims who have suffered a similar traumatic loss the opportunity to meet others similarly affected and who truly understand the impact of road crashes on those left behind.”
The first meeting will be held on Thursday 22nd September 6-8pm on Zoom.
This session will be accessible to all parents bereaved by a road crash, regardless of where you live in the UK and it is intended to complement the support provided by our other support services.
Following on from this first session and depending on uptake and the feedback we receive, we would like to hold online support sessions for other bereaved groups, such as bereaved siblings, partners and children.
If you would be interested in attending this support session for bereaved parents, please contact
About RoadPeace
RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims. They offer support to those affected by road crashes through their helpline, befriending service, trauma support programme, local group network and remembrance activities. They have an extensive range of post-crash legal guides that can help families navigate the criminal justice system and their Legal panel provides advice on civil compensation. RoadPeace also campaign to improve victims’ rights and the response of the criminal justice system to road danger, and for greater priority to be given to reducing the number of future victims.
Updated on: 23 August 2022