RoadPeace is introducing two new support groups for bereaved families and injured victim in South Wales thanks to the support of Legal Panel member Hugh James.
Local groups provide a safe space for crash victims to come together for mutual support. Support group meetings for bereaved families will offer bereaved families peer support through meeting others who have suffered a similar experience.
RoadPeace will also be piloting a new support group for injured victims.
Due to the pandemic and current restrictions, all meetings will be hosted online using Zoom.
Attending a Support Group
Meetings will be held bi-monthly for each group on the first Wednesday of the month.
If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact RoadPeace by email or call the helpline on 0845 4500 355.
“Gaining support after the awful aftermath of losing a loved one in a crash through those similarly affected has been a lifeline for our family. No one else seems to understand the pain and grief that engulfs you”. Bereaved mother
Seeking a Volunteer Co-ordinator
RoadPeace knows from our work supporting victims for over 28 years, how important it is for road crash victims to speak to others who have been similarly affected. That’s why we are looking for someone who has experience of a road death and who is based in South Wales and who would be happy to volunteer some of their time to train as the South Wales Local Group Coordinator and lead the meetings for the support group for the bereaved alongside a trained counsellor who will facilitate meetings.
Full training and on-going supervision will be provided by RoadPeace.
If you are able to offer some time and would like to support those struggling to cope with the aftermath of a road crash please get in touch with Belina Rauli (Director of Support Services at RoadPeace) by emailing
Updated on: 26 November 2020