Emergency services, safer roads teams and road safety professionals are invited to join us for this webinar, which will start an important conversation about ‘The True Cost of Road Crime.’
We regularly talk about the tragic and lasting impact that road collisions have on families and communities, but what about the significant emotional effect that crashes have on the police, fire service, ambulance crews, doctors, nurses and other professionals who bravely deal with the aftermath of road crashes day, in day out. Week after week. Year after year?
And as well as the immeasurable human cost of collisions, what about the financial cost to the taxpayer resulting from road crime? This includes support from all of the services involved – from the emergency services and health care, through to the judiciary and the Attorney General’s Office.
Hosted by RoadPeace, this webinar will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday July 16, 2024.
Taking positive action in memory of Frankie and Neeve
During the event, we’ll introduce the team from Frankie and Neeve’s Road Safety Academy, who are organising a dedicated professionals’ event to highlight these important issues on September 26, 2024 in North Yorkshire. Please save the date in your diaries.
Frankie and Neeve’s Road Safety Academy was formed earlier this year by Calvin Buckley and Frank Hough, the partner and father of Frankie Julia Hough, who was killed on May 13, 2023 at the hands of a dangerous driver. Frankie was 18 weeks pregnant with her daughter Neeve, who was also tragically killed in the collision.
Out of the devastation of their loss, Frankie’s family have committed to an extraordinary mission – to change the attitudes on our roads.
The Academy will provide road safety education in a fun and engaging format in the hope that younger generations and future drivers will develop skills of patience and respect, and ultimately value the lives of other road users.
Fix Our Broken Justice System Campaign
Calvin and Frank are also strong supporters of the RoadPeace ‘Fix Our Broken Justice System’ campaign, which aims to raise public awareness about the way the justice system has failed bereaved families and road crash victims, and to urge the Government to make vital changes to the law to prevent road crime, ensuring that adequate sentencing is passed and providing better protection and compassion for victims.
They have both been interviewed on many occasions about Frankie and Neeve’s tragic deaths and the sentence received by the driver who killed them. They are keen to build on this media interest and continue a wider public conversation to challenge society’s apparent tolerance of road harm.
To find out more about how you can get involved, please register to attend this webinar by clicking the link below.
Updated on: 3 July 2024