To all our members who are:
Mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, partners, granddaughters, grandmothers, aunts, cousins and friends, who have suffered the death or injury of a loved one as well as fathers, grandfathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, cousins and friends, who have suffered the death and injury of a loved one, even of a daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister, niece, cousin, friend.
Please write a testimony about what happened and how you have been affected, which RoadPeace will use for their campaigning work.
Please find the template for the testimony here and email it to
“We want to see an end to UK’s daily disaster of 5 road deaths and 80 serious injuries! Women are powerful campaigners for road peace – for the reduction of road danger and strict observance of road traffic laws – since they are the people most affected by this leading cause of death and injury of men…as mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, partners, granddaughters, grandmothers, aunts, cousins and friends. Women are also victims of road death and injury.
We are compelled to campaign because of the devastation suffered by this wholly preventable yet daily ongoing carnage and its trivial treatment.”
Brigitte Chaudhry MBE, Founder & President RoadPeace
Updated on: 8 March 2022