
Thank you for joining RoadPeace as a complimentary victim member. Please complete the following form:


New Complimentary Victim Member

  • Your Circumstances

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Consent

  • The personal details supplied here will be used by RoadPeace in relation to your membership. They will not be passed on to any third party (except to ensure you can access our support services).
    As a member of RoadPeace we will contact you from time to time to update you on our work and activities, this could be via email, telephone or by post.
  • We take your data and privacy seriously and our full privacy statement is available on our website. If at any time you change your mind and you would rather that we didn’t contact you then you just need to let us know and we will remove your details from our database.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.