The safety and wellbeing of all our members, volunteers and staff is a priority at RoadPeace, and as such we have taken the decision to keep some restrictions in place over the next couple of months, in light of COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations continuing to rise.
The most notable of these will be that our events and meetings, that would usually be in person, will continue to be held online for the foreseeable future. While we recognise the important benefits of meeting in person for support, remembrance and sharing, we currently feel that there is still a level of risk in doing so that we’re unwilling to take.
We’ll closely monitor the situation over the next couple of months and plan to review this on 1st September, so please do keep checking our website and social media for updates.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in person as soon as it’s safe to do so
Thank you for all your continued support
The RoadPeace Team
Updated on: 22 July 2021